KISSing: A Shared Experience
This week, I was going to write about skimmy-dipping and how we've become a culture of skim readers and its impact on students and blah blah blah. I was going to write about getting a call from my wife mid-run asking me to buy some wine to 'cook' with, then running home with a bottle in my hand and somehow connecting it to my teaching. That was all too complicated and last week happened, and this week happened, and today happened, and then I decided to write about KISSing - cause who doesn't like to KISS? I'm regularly reminded that KISSing is where it's at in education. In the past, and currently, I overcomplicate learning for my students. I’m a much better teacher when I'm KISSing - when I keep it simple stupid. And that's how I approached the past couple weeks while reading The Giver by Lois Lowry. Here's a quick synopsis of the KISSing that went on: I started the unit asking students to list three things that would make our country a...